Sheets Made with Nanotex are Comfortable, Wrinkle Free and Keep You Cool
Nanotex uses nanotechnology to transform the molecular structure of fibers and is used in …
Dry Inside for polyester to move moisture away from skin
Nano-Tex, a leading fabric innovation company providing Nanotechnology-based textile enhan…
Nanotex and Cotton Incorporated present DRY INSIDE for cotton apparel
Nanotex, a leading fabric innovator providing nanotechnology-based textile enhancements to…
Nano-tex – Meridy’s Uniforms
Nano-Tex. ® Permanent protection on a nano level.
Nano-Tex® Releases Stains
Nano-Tex® Releases Stains 无法抗拒的抗污能力 采用了通过使用纳米技术将抗污能力融入每根纤维的新颖工艺, Nano-Tex® Releases Stains…
Nano-Tex® Coolest Comfort
Nano-Tex® Coolest Comfort 保持干燥、保持凉爽、就寝安逸。 Nano-Tex® Coolest Comfort是先进的除湿排汗系统,帮助控制和均衡体温保持面…
Nano-Tex® Resists Spills
Nano-Tex® Resists Spills 哪怕是最糟的泼洒,液体都会滚落。 采用了最新的纳米技术,Nano-Tex® Resists Spills从根本上改变了面料的每根纤…